This is my housemate, Rob. As I said before, he rocks. He's a constant example to me in my walk with the Lord. One must be carefull around him however, or shenanagins and tomfoolery the likes of which Sean hasn't seen can break loose (read his blog, and you'll see what I mean). Like tonight. Marilyn and I are sitting in the kitchen, and Rob goes into the bathroom, and blows his nose. Then he says, "Oh, tell me that's not salsa." Now, we had to pause and consider what we'd just heard. Then he said that it was salsa and that he needed to be more carefull. "Hmm, that's dissapointing," I thought to myself. Marilyn actually had the guts to ask him the question that was on both our minds. It turns out, Rob had blown his nose, then looked down, and seen a salsa stain on his sweater! It's fun to drop into the middle of a conversation, or get only half the information you need. (Sean, is there a WC? ;)
Nothing else exciting happened today. No Chuck Norris, or any other celebrity. But Rob was complaining that I don't talk about him enough. So I decided oblige him. ;)

He's not mad, he's just committing some tomfoolery.
So I did go to the book store yesterday with my buddy Sean. I picked up 'Quiet Talks On Prayer' by S.D. Gordon. I'll share what I learn when I start reading it. I'm reading a couple other books right now, so It may be a while. I really wanted to pick that book up, becuase I'm struggling mightely in my prayer life right now, and I'm looking for some fresh insights into the subject. So I'm excited to read it and to share what I learn. My friend Andrea told me that she remembers her devotions better if she shares what she learns with other people.
After I'm done with that book, I think I'll pick up 'Fresh Faith' by Jim Cymbala. Now he's a guy I like to listen to, and I've only heard him once. He and his congregation have the disease so bad, even the stories that come out of his church are contagious! But I have to pace myself, and not spend my money all in one place. Especially considering that my car's check engine light came on again today. Fortunately I have an emergency fund, so it won't hurt as much as some car repairs have in the past. This comes just as I'm getting ready to sell my other car! (I'll give you the whole story when it's finished). Maybe God is telling me I should ride my bike more often. ;)
And another FPU success story! :)
Nose blowing and Salsa! Those are some good shenanigans! ;o) Have a great day...
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