It's the first day of spring, and it was a full day to say the least. I went back to Rest Harbor for the first time in a few months. It was great. It was good to see everyone again, and playing my flute by ear is good practice. Here's some pictures from that day:
I play with the Jim and Pat Major. Pat is at the piano. She plays all the songs by ear! There is no music in front of her the whole time! Then, if she doesn't like the key, or someone else doesn't, she just changes it and keeps on going. Jim is the one in the blue shirt at the podium. He can sing bass, baritone, or tenor, and he plays the harmonica. They are great people. Plus, they're patient with me when I'm having trouble playing something! They love God and really have a heart to use they're considerable talent to bless the folks at the home. Speaking of which, they're pictured here too! I don't know all they're names, but Kayla (pronounced KIGHla) is in the pink shirt. Alan is on the far left in the hat. Janice is in the back with her hand raised. They love Jesus, and they know Jesus loves them. Sid, the gentleman in the vest, is one of the people who's there week in and week out, and ministers to the residents whenever he gets the chance. Sid rocks. He still gets excited like a school boy when God does something cool.
After that, I went and showed my car to some people from church. I'm trying to sell it, but I'll tell that story in another post.
After that. I went to my good friend Andrea's house (pronounced ahnDRAYuh emphasis is on the middle sylable). We both love going for walks. She picked up a book called Portland Hill Walks. It's really well done, and the walks we've taken have been really cool. This one was no exception. We had her dog Kirby with us. The picture you see is of her and Kirby walking up one of the hills. It was the first hill walk of the spring, and the weather was fantastic. You could see all kinds of different views of downtown Portland, and the Eastside. I would have pictures of that for you, but the batteries in my camera died shortly after taking the shot of Andrea you see now.
So I'm more comfortable with this blogging thing now, but I still haven't gotten the hang of how to layout all the pictures and the text together in an orderly manner, so this may look a bit cluttered. Sorry about that, but I promise it will get better.
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