I had an ultrasound today because the doctor felt that the baby was too small and not growing. The ultrasound estimate is that he is currently 8 lbs 4 oz, give or take a pound!! I can tell he is growing - my scrub pants don't fit! Gulp, um wow, he is not going to be a small baby! There is still 11 days until our due date 8-9-08 and the doctor thinks he's going to be late. Wow, ouch, and scary are all thoughts that come to mind! Currently I haven't not had any contractions and only a couple possible Braxton-Hicks. Nothing, Nada, Zilch. On the other hand I am thankful for the mostly easy pregnancy that I have had. A little evening sickness and a lot of tiredness in the first trimester and bad fall about 8 weeks ago, but other than that I have had an easy time compared to some of the stories I've heard, so I feel very blessed.
Nate just offered to take a picture of me to post on the blog, but since I just was dragged to the park by the dog (walking I heard will bring on labor) I decided to pass at this point.
So here is a list of the things I have heard that will bring on labor, some of which I have tried to no avail.
1. Eating an entire chocolate cake with chocolate fudge frosting
2. Eating spicy Mexican food
3. Eating Italian food
4. Driving over railroad tracks
5. Walking
6. "Hanky panky" as someone delicately put it.
7. Eating a chocolate cake while driving over railroad tracks - (the question on this is do I drive "on" the railroad tracks or "across" them? and does it actually bring on labor or just scare the baby out?)
8. Drinking Castor oil (definitely not going to do this one - it is very unrecommended by our baby book)
9. Bouncing on a exercise ball, the baby gets so shook up he can't wait to escape the womb. ;)
10. I can't remember any more but everyone has at least one suggestion of something that has worked for them or someone they know.
I have a follow up appointment tomorrow and I am torn between waiting patiently for baby to be born and throwing myself on the ground and begging the doctor to show mercy and induce me on the 10th if I go beyond the due date.
Nate's vote is to induce now, but I am pretty sure the doctor isn't going to go for that.
Addendum: Reading Sean's latest post and laughing out loud hysterically didn't bring on labor either.
The World’s Fear Of The Truth-Telling Soul
4 months ago
you know i always thought the word was INTRODUCE.. insted of induce. makes sense though doesn't it? cause your going to be introduced to the little one you've been carrying around in your womb.
im happy your doing so well thou. that's wonderful news! we've been keeping you & baby in prayer here.. come on soon baby wallace we're ready to meet you! much love to you always Wallace's
I would go for eating a whole chocolate cake with white chocolate frosting, if I was pregnant. Sounds good to me! Along with a big glass of milk, too. It was so nice to see you at church last weekend! I am still thinking of names you might use if you haven't decided yet. I'm still praying that the baby will come sooner then the doc thinks so.
The question is - when do YOU think the baby is going to come???? If you feel ready and confident about labor, it will happen.
And as for the weight...I'll put money on the doctor's estimate not being correct (isn't this the same person who said the baby was measuring small less than 2 weeks ago?!)
A second word about weight - don't worry about the weight - it's all about head size!!!
And a final word about induction; by all means, go that way if you want. But be aware that inductions often result in faster (read: more immediate, intense) labors. Your body can do it! Go body go!
Have a great time having that baby, Wallaces. What a gift.
What's hanky panky? Is that like where you go around the appartment complex and knock on peoples doors and then run away before they answer them??? Hmmm... worth a try I guess. hehe... Seriously though, we're all waiting and praying with you. I don't know what the doctor is thinking because I was right around 8 lbs when I was born and I turned out f-f-f... fu..fu.. fu... ffff... fine! :oD Glad you liked the pictures... sorry they didn't induce labor. Have a great day and God bless... Sean
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