So here I stand. Before lie the advantages and disadvantages of all that I've learned in Financial Peace University. Advantage: I have a fully funded emergency fund, so emergencies don't hurt as much anymore. Disadvantage: Those cash envelopes. They have been vital to keeping a reign on my spending, however, one can lose them as well, and then you're sunk.
Such an thing has happened to me. I have misplaced my cash somewhere, most of the money having not yet been spent on the things I usually use it on (groceries and gas). So there was a significant amount left in them. Prayer for their retrieval would be appreciated. Fortunately, I have an emergency fund. I dipped into it this afternoon, so I would have money for gas. Tomorrow I will be getting another alotment for groceries that will have to last me to the end of the month, unless my envelopes are found. Sean, I got you beat on the silly story catagory.
On a lighter note, I may apply for the open possition at church. I know, having a guy as an administrative assistant (secretary) is kind of odd, but I thought I'd give it a shot. I don't think I've ever had a normal job my entire life, so why try to get one now? I'm not holding my breath or anything, but I can see myself doing it. The question is, does God see myself doing it? Hmm... I do need His will to be done, so I would appreciate prayer in this most of all. I'm not taking it lightly, but as I said, I'm not holding my breath either, because there is always someone more qualified out there. I'm excited at the possibilities, but It's tempored with the knowledge that God determines my steps.
So, hope you are all hanging in there as well. Have a great week!
The World’s Fear Of The Truth-Telling Soul
4 months ago
Well, Mr.Smooth.. i will keep you in prayer as always. "God always uses in places we least expect to be used." so if the good Lord sees you working at Good Shepherd.. so be it. Im sure you will do wonderfully at whatever God has planned for your new job.
i hope your having a great week Bug. love ya & God bless!!
Found your site today Nate. So sorry about the lost envelopes. It reminds me a little of the parble of the lost coin. It also reminds me of the faith that Hudson Taylor lived in his biography "Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret." I'm not sure if you have read it, but it's amazing book. Hudson displayed such a great faith and prayer life regarding his finances and his basic provisions. He would never ask for his paycheck (and sometimes his employer would forget to give it to him for days), and he followed God's leading when he gave all that he had to feed a family with the last bit of money he had, rather than feed himself. Anyway, the whole book changed my perspective on money. So, long story short, I'm glad to hear that you are devoting yourself to prayer on this and walking freely in faith of God's provision for you. I hope you find you envelopes soon, and maybe have a little celebration afterward.
We will be praying for you about the job at church. The church is an amazing place to work. I miss working there, and amazing blessings I recieved through getting to know the staff on a deeper level. I have never walked away from a job that has taught me so much about life, love, freindship, faith, family, and of course fun! I really do hope you get to take part in such an amazing ministry. Keep us posted
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