Just the other day, I found something really really cool! I don't know why it's got me so excited, but it does. Lots of books for men stress 2 Corinthians 10:5, "...we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." I've always thought that was a great verse, but deep down, I didn't actually know how to apply it. How does one make every thought obedient to Christ? How does a person capture a thought to begin with?
So I'm reading along, and I read that verse, and then think about it for a while, and stop short. There's more to the verse than I'd been taught. It says:
"We demolish arguments and every pretension that set itself up against the knowledge of God, and take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
Did you catch it? Taking a thought captive isn't the action, it's the result of demolishing the things that set themselves against the knowledge of God! The answer was right there the whole time, and I never saw it. In fact, another translation puts it this way:
"With these weapons we break down every proud argument that keeps people from knowing God. With these weapons we conquer they're rebelious ideas, and teach them to obey Christ."
There isn't even anything about taking a thought captive. This is also a good verse on the cultural commission (but that's another sermon ;). Okay One Point Three, does everyone remember what the cultural commission is?
This is a great incentive for memorizing scripture (as if we needed another one). If I have verses in my head that will refute the rebelious ideas and thoughts that cross my mind all too often, then I have a weapon at my disposal that will demolish those strongholds before they have the chance to take hold.
Sorry I seem a bit over excited about this. My mind is a serious battle field in my life, and it was so cool to read that verse in a way that I'd never noticed before, and that I have yet to have pointed out to me, and one that, if applied consistantly, will score some serious victories down the road.

Well, my resume goes in tomorrow (unless they've already found somebody). Please pray for an interview. I'm still not holding my breath, but I'm going for all the way.
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