We spent the day driving through the inundated Portland Metro Area(this picture is just to prove that we did). First stop was Andrea's folk's to pick up her mom. We got her and dropped off Kirby and headed to Barb and Richard's house down in Clackamas (Johnson City). I wish I could have gotten video or even thought of taking pictures. The street her parents were on was buried! It was totally awesome. We plowed through three feet of snow to pull into their driveway. We made it just fine to Clakamas, picked up Susanna and Grace, and then headed off to Clackamas Town Center where we did some Christmas shopping. Again, no pictures.
We had a great time with the Millers, and then headed back home. That evening, we packed Caleb in his carrier, put Kirby's boots on, and put our snowshoes on and went snowshoeing in our own neighborhood! It was great. We had a fun day playing in the snow.
Here's Caleb all snuggled up.

Snowshoeing in the streets.

This is a Christmas tree that a neighbor lights every winter. I love it.

The Saturn has been left out of all our fun. I might drive it tomorrow since the roads are a lot better, and it has fresh snow tires on it.
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet! It's so awesome to see that your able to get out and enjoy the SNOW! & with Caleb.. it's so good to let him see it & be exposed to it. :)
it's been a blast throwing things at you & chatting with you via-facebook. LOL!! Hope y'all have a very Merry Blessed Christmas!!
Cool to see you blogging again! Hope you had a blessed Christmas, your first one with Caleb, nonetheless.
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