Caleb is going to have more relatives who aren't related to him than anyone I know. Here he is with "Gramma" Marylin.
Watching the chickens with fascination.
"Uncle" Rob.
Post #2: Murray's Send-Off
We had a little party for Murray to send him off to Romania to get married. Call it his bachelor party. It was good to see him excited. I'm excited for him! It's great to be married!
Post #3: Thanksgiving in Yakima
We loaded up the family and headed to my brother's house in Yakima for Thanksgiving. We drove out there the night before and spent the night. It was quite the adventure: We got there and discovered that all the food that he and Kimberlyn had sent down the disposer had clogged in the pipes somewhere and the water had backed up into their bathtub! ew.
The next day, they decided to call a plumber and he took care of it. It ended up costing them a lot less than I expected. My whole family showed up. It was a great time had by all. Kimberlyn did a great job hosting us!
Justin and Berlyn are vegetarians, so it was up to Andrea to cook the turkey. This was the first turkey she's ever cooked. It turned out great!
Caleb had fun with his Gramma Wallace.
Grampa Wallace got his time in too.
This is my Aunt Marion. She got to have some quality time with him.
That's all for now. I'll post a few more things in the next few days. From the look of things outside, I'll get plenty of opportunity!
Stumbled across your blog by random chance. Nice pictures, makes me miss North America. Merry Christmas :-)
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