There are so many friends posting pictures of their cute nieces and nephews, that I kind of felt left out (not really). Fortunately, Andrea has cute nephews that I can claim (not really). Andrea and I went to Horsetail falls with her sister-in-law Carol and her two boys Preston and Aiden (really). Here is Andrea's claim to the world's cutest nephews:
Here's Aiden hamming for the camera. Doesn't he look excited to be riding on my back? Don't tell Carol, but this was the first time I had a baby on my back. It was fun!

Preston getting his camera time:

Exploring the depths of Oneonta Gorge.

Preston and Mommy

Of course, there was also some gorgeous scenary. Here's Oneonta Falls.

Horsetail Falls from up on the trail.

This has been declared the cutest picture of Kirby to date. I have a hard time disagreeing. Is he not the world's cutest dog?

Andrea, Carol, and Preston (Ainden's still on my back, so he's not in this picture. I think he was asleep at the time too).

How did you manage to get a picture of Oneata Falls? I always thought you had to walk up that creek to access it. Is there a scramble trail somehwere there that I don't know about??
Sweet pics Nate bug!!
ok, Kirby is one of the cutest dogs ever. :)
No, I don't actually know for sure that it's Oneonta Falls, but through process of elimination based on where we hiked, it was the only logical conclusion.
Those pics of Andrea's nephews are cute (really)! I like the one of Aiden on your back. Hope you have a good rest of the week!
...I see what you mean about cutness oozing out of your computer onto your keyboard...it's kind of messy!
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