Thursday, November 30, 2006

Home Sweet Home

I realized tonight that I haven't shown anybody a picture of where I live. So here are a few pictures taken recently and some taken last year after a dusting of snow.

When Autumn leaves have fallen.

Ah, the old Intrepid. How I miss that car sometimes. not.

Picnic anyone? How about some iced tea?

Here's the road in front of the house. This is a dirt road, and where I'm standing, in front of the house, is a half mile up it.

I guess I should try and get some pictures during better weather next time, but the place just seems to have this quality about it that comes alive in the fall and winter months. I love it here. I'm truly blessed to have a great place to live, and great people to live with.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Running and Being Still

I hope Sara doesn't mind my using her blog title. Thanks Sara!
I did a few firsts these past few weeks. I started running with someone else for the first time: Andrea and I started a running routine called "The Couch-to-5K Running Plan". I don't really like running in and of itself, but it's nice to be running with someone else, and since I haven't been reffing games for a while, I need to get back in shape. I went to my first Winterhawks game at the coliseum (first time in the coliseum too. Now I just need to visit the Rose Garden). It was the Teddy Bear Game, so when the Hawks scored their first goal, the fans all through stuffed animals onto the ice. Which is another first for me. Then, I went to Portland's Old spaghetti Factory for the first time on Sunday. I bought my first pair of snowshoes this month, so I'm ready to go for my for hike in them. Those are a lot of firsts for one month, and I don't think I covered them all.

I stopped at church today to talk to the Redheads and pick up some CD's before going up to Woodland to see my Grandparents. Since the snow was going to be pretty bad, I decided to wait until the traffic across the river subsided before venturing out. That gave me a couple of hours to kill.

I decided to go into the prayer room to kill those couple of hours (I took care of one, before going into the worship center to watch a friend's basketball game).

One of the things that that time put on my heart tonight is to invite all who read this to spend one of the weekend services in the prayer room. You don't have to be on a schedule, it's open to all (When I first started going in, I went in during whichever service I felt like that particular week. I eventually made it a weekly habit that I'm sad to say I've neglected in recent months). Just drop in. Sometimes you'll be surprised at what God does in there. I can remember many times when a hurting person has walked in and interrupted our praying and asked for prayer. Those are the most potent times in that room when men gather around a person, kneel down and lay their hands upon them and pray in the Spirit. Writing this post is bringing back a flood of memories from those times and convicting me of neglecting my favorite ministry in the church. I would urge you to join in the blessings as well. You don't have to be on a team or signed up for a particular service. Just come on in. You're always welcome. :)

Sorry for preaching at you all. I felt that this was a soap box worth standing on in this setting, and I hope my feeling was correct.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

My Turn for Cute Nephews (even though they're not mine)

There are so many friends posting pictures of their cute nieces and nephews, that I kind of felt left out (not really). Fortunately, Andrea has cute nephews that I can claim (not really). Andrea and I went to Horsetail falls with her sister-in-law Carol and her two boys Preston and Aiden (really). Here is Andrea's claim to the world's cutest nephews:

Here's Aiden hamming for the camera. Doesn't he look excited to be riding on my back? Don't tell Carol, but this was the first time I had a baby on my back. It was fun!

Preston getting his camera time:

Exploring the depths of Oneonta Gorge.

Preston and Mommy

Of course, there was also some gorgeous scenary. Here's Oneonta Falls.

Horsetail Falls from up on the trail.

This has been declared the cutest picture of Kirby to date. I have a hard time disagreeing. Is he not the world's cutest dog?

Andrea, Carol, and Preston (Ainden's still on my back, so he's not in this picture. I think he was asleep at the time too).