We found out this morning that it looks like we are having a girl! We get to have a follow up ultrasound again in 6 weeks but, both the tech and the doctor were convinced that it's a girl! The follow up ultrasound is because there was a little extra fluid around the kidneys (3.5 instead of 3) and baby dearest would not cooperate and let them take a look at her left arm. They could see the hand but not the actual arm because of the angle. She finally turned, but turned the wrong way, and hid that arm even more! The doctor thinks everything is okay and just wants to recheck again. We are going to pray that the doctor is right and that we find out everything is fine at our next ultrasound and that baby is healthy!
!!! ???? !!!!! :-) :-) :-)
I did not choose anonymous! It's me, Robert Kryder!!
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