Have you ever felt like things were going really well and maybe even feeling a little smug that life is going so well and then BOOM! an unexpected speed bump that knocks the engine out of your car or the wind out of your sails - or whatever that saying is, happens.
My sister called to tell me that her almost 1 year old, Tyler, has the Hand Foot and Mouth virus.
He woke in the night with a high fever and they ended up taking him to the emergency room today. The bummer part for us is that he spent several hours playing at our house on Sunday. So if he was contagious then...well it looks like it may or may not be a rough week. I am praying that Caleb and Lucy don't come down with it and wiped all the toys off with Lysol wipes. Not a whole lot more I can do except drag Caleb to the sink an make him wash his hands a lot, or snap at him to get his hands out of his mouth, and then just be patient and wait. Incubation period is only 3-6 days...I really really hope that Lucy doesn't get it! Not that I don't care about Caleb too, but he is older so maybe I just don't worry as much. It's not like I am throwing him into a volcano or anything! Right?
Anywhooo... Got distracted by the screaming coming from Caleb's room. He had a busy day with Bapa and between the sugar and overtiredness, lets just say I feel sorry for Nate, but I'm going to do my best to block out the screaming - cause if I don't hear it, I don't have to help. Actually, he is usually a sweet adorable ACTIVE almost 2 year old, but sometimes...
Lucy, My most adorable daughter, is laying on the couch cooing at me and I would rather tune into that. She's is a totally mommies girl. I am not sure how that happened. I really don't think I did anything to make her that way, but my guilty confession is that I love it. It's kind of nice. On Caleb's list is Dada, Bapa, Mama, then Maemae. Baby doesn't even make the list although he does give her a kiss before bed, and if he hears her crying he does tell me "uh oh, beebee." The point is that it's nice to be first instead of third. I know - it's not a competition. It's just an honest confession! Perhaps it's the difference between bonding with a son vs. a daughter. Or maybe it's just that she sleeps at night, which means I get to sleep, or maybe it's because she is my last baby. I have no idea why it's different. I love them both, but differently.
Lucy is growing super fast. She just had her 2 month checkup. She weighed in at 10 pound 10 ounces, and 22 1/2 inches long! 50th percentile - not bad, Baby girl! She really doesn't have a double chin like it looks in the picture. I am not sure if it's the angle or the plaid. Other than the chin part, (sorry kiddo) I got them both smiling. Lucy is staying awake longer, cooing more, and smiling.
Anyway, other than the threat of impending hand foot and mouth virus, life is actually really good.
Some more pictures.

This is Caleb being silly, holding a baby wipe on his head and calling it a hat and laughing.

I love baby stretches. They are full body!

Okay so cute Caleb story. These are jammy bottoms that Maemae and I made. We went to a fabric store last weekend and took Caleb and Lucy with us. When we got there one of the owners, who's name I've forgotten, was out watering their plants in the front. Caleb loves to water plants, so he ran up saying "help, help!' While we were convincing him that his help was not necessary an ambulance went by with it's siren on. In the end she turned off that water and then enticed Caleb into the store when she told him that there was fabric in the store with ambulances on it and that they should go find it. Once she found the fabric, he latched onto the bolt and carried it around. We parked him in a chair at the cutting table where he spent time looking at the ambulances, fire trucks, and police cars (the pants he's wearing). I picked out the truck/dump truck fabric. Mom and I decided to make him some pajama bottoms. Once the fabric was cut he carried it over to the register table and let them ring it up. But then insisted on carrying/hugging it out to the car. I was carrying Lucy in her car seat and Mom tried to help him down the stairs, apparently he was afraid she was after his fabric and went down the stairs on his bottom rather than relinquish the fabric. When he went down for a nap, we made the PJ bottoms for him. We were able to get 2 pairs done while he slept. We took him back to the shop so that he could show the ladies but even then he wouldn't let them take them from him. It was pretty funny!
Okay cute Caleb story number 2: Yesterday, we went to the beach. Before we left, we told Caleb that we were going to the beach. A common sentence from him till we got there was, "Yay! Beesh!" So this morning, when Nate was getting ready to go to work, Caleb figured out that he was leaving and grabbed his beach hat, bag and lunch bag that we had taken with us the day before and ran into the kitchen with them yelling, "Beesh! Beesh!" When we told him we weren't going to the beach, he started yelling, "Bapa! Maemae!" Thinking perhaps that they would take him. Bapa did come and rescue him and took him to lunch with Maemae and then off to the zoo and the children's museum.