Sunday, August 02, 2009

The Things a Baby Gets Into

Caleb loves getting into things. I thought I'd show you a synopsis of various places that Caleb finds interesting.

He climbed into Moose's kennel on many occasions. Sometimes Moose was in there with him!

Caleb loves to get into cabinets and drawers.

Don't exactly know how he pulled this one off, but he did.

This is a classic example of what happens when you turn your back on him.

Just clowning around.

Causing trouble at Special Olympics.

Sometimes you only see the aftermath of what he got into.

Boxes abounded after our move.

Caleb loves playing with Mommy's fabric.

He even finds places to crawl into at church. Here he is under an end table.

That's all for now. I'll show off the garden next.


1 comment:

Aimee B. said...

So cute! Definitely looks like he's enjoying himself!