Does it get any better?
The World’s Fear Of The Truth-Telling Soul
4 months ago
Staying in touch with friends and family can be hard sometimes. Here's our effort to let people know about our journeys, adventures, and musings from around the Northwest
he is adorable!!!! congratulations! :-)
OH my gosh!!! YAHOOO!
Good boy!! & what a great shot of him smiling!!
Frankly, NO. It does not get any better!
He is stunning. You guys are clearly in 7th heaven. It's really as good as it gets.
Just remember the thrill and the JOY of your first-born! "Mary Treasured all these things in her heart..." is REAL! No one can take away those precious memories and precious moments...still brings smiles to my face and heart! :-)
HUGS to you all! Can't wait to see him again. Mary Wright (surprise!)
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