Monday, July 09, 2007

The War of the Roses

I discovered aphids crawling on the roses the other day! This upset me. Aphids are bad. I don't know how they ended up on a second story deck far from any flowers. I think they came in with some other flowers we were given. I discovered them on the double delight, and soon they were found on the other two bushes as well.

In the words of the great philosopher, Bugs Bunny, "This, means war."


♥Carrie~Margaret♥ said...

can't we all just get along?!?! LOL! does that bottle say Aphids death?? i think that's what i can see on the bottle but im not quite sure.. anywho.. hope you got them! the roses look very pretty.. Show some more sometime ok :) i'd like to see what you and andrea are growing.
may God continue to bless you two!

Sean said...

Hey there... I had a war with some ants in my appartment just recently. It got pretty nasty. They would storm the counter of my kitchen, I would wipe them up with a sponge and flush them down the drain, A few wound up in the dishwasher with my dishes (what a way to go). Finally, I put down some traps and they all died out but now I'm seeing a few scouts around the apartment again. They are persistant. Anyway, hope your aphids go away soon... have a great day...

Robert Kryder said...

You could bring that bottle over here...we have aphids on our broccoli...I mean, after all, where's the love? ;-)