Monday, May 28, 2007

Another Memorial Day Hike

We decided to try and start a tradition of going for an early morning hike on Memorial Day so that we'll beat the crowds. Well, we got the hike part down this year, but we didn't get out of the house until 7:30 (the same time we arrived at the trail head last year). It wasn't bad though. We were headed to a little more remote location this time around. It took a couple of hours to get up there, but it was well worth the extra effort. Lewis River Falls is a series of three waterfalls up-stream from where it flows into the first of three reservoirs. They're almost equidistant from each other, and each offers a unique experience. We'd never been here before. I've driven up and down the Lewis River since I was little, and never known that these falls were there! I was always headed to Mt. St. Helens or something. So here's what we saw:

First stop was only a hundred feet from the trail head. Lower Falls, made for an exciting start to what was to come. If you want some perspective as to how big these falls really are, look in the right hand part of the picture and you'll see an entire tree resting up against the falls themselves.

In between Lower and Middle Falls, we came across some smaller falls. They're easy to spot, the trail goes right over them!

Middle Falls is fast moving and shoots across the face of a large sheet of stone. I like these kind of water slide falls. Just the way the water scoots along the surface as though friction doesn't apply here.

The last of Lewis River Falls is, of course, Upper Falls. These are the highest of them all. You get the most angles and clearest view of these falls. We stopped for a bite to eat here.

Kirby wants some too!!

The trail even takes you right up to the lip of the falls. The noise was as spectacular as the view!

Well, as you can see, we're back online! I'm blogging for two people now (I'm sure some of you are asking, "He wasn't blogging for two before?"), so this is going to take some getting used to. Come join the Wallaces for more all new adventures!


Anonymous said...

YAHOOO! you both are back on!! i love it! what beautiful scenery you three saw today.. Holy cow!! God is good!! i still am very happy for you both!! It's nice to see you took your child with you on your hike too insted of leaving him in the car.. lol!! Keep on posting!! Love y'all!!

Rakel said...

Love you guys!! And Kirby!

Sean said...

Hey good to see you guys back online! Looks like a neat trail. I'll have to check it out at some point. Have a great day.