Sorry I haven't been keeping up with all the wedding stuff. My computer is still broken (it won't even turn on). So far, we've gotten a ton of stuff accomplished. Just yesterday, Andrea and I went and bought our wedding bands. Andrea has her dress, and all her bridesmaids dresses. I have my groomsmen and best man (thanks Rob, Murray and Sean!) We have a location (Good Shepherd). We have an officiant (Pat Thurman. Thanks Pat!!). We have a 'florist'(she's going to help us make the floral arrangements such as corsages and boutiners, etc. We need about 12 volunteers. If you're interested, give me a call). We unofficially have a photogragher (Gene Takalo. We haven't seen his pictures, but we know he's good, so we'll probably go with him). We haven't registered at any place yet, but we're going to register at REI, Bed Bath & Beyond, Kitchen Kaboodle, Macy's (maybe for gift cards) and maybe Target. We're looking for a checklist of everything it takes to set up a household.
We've ordered invitations, and they should arrive this week. We probably have a place for our real honeymoon this summer (San Fransisco, thanks Mom and Dad!). We don't yet have a place for us to get away for the weekend of the wedding. If you have any suggestions let me know (we'd like to go to the coast, but the Bend area would be cool too). And we still have to find a place to live. Correction, I'M still looking for a place for us to live. I'm trying to be creative, because we'll need a place that will allow Kirby, and I'd like to find someplace that will accomodate her quilting machine (Andrea says I'm dreaming, but hey, I found the place I live now, I'm sure there's a place that's perfect for the both of us).
Oh, yeah. I managed to fix the problem with the last post, so you can actually see the pictures from our snowhoe/proposal trip.
The World’s Fear Of The Truth-Telling Soul
4 months ago
Wow! Sounds like you have a good portion of the planning done. I will keep things in prayer that you mentioned you need still.
Have a good rest of the week and stay safe!
Sweeeeeeeeeeeet! OK What do you need help with??? Looks like you said you need about 12 people i can volenteer myself i know for sure.. but of course it depends for what!?!? im getting excitied for you two!! When it's my turn you both can give me advice on what to do etc. Talk to you both soon! Love always & God bless
If you need volunteers, Just let me now... What can I do? Call me and let me know. Or I'll call you.. (LOL)
Thanks for writing this.
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