So Saturday was quite the day. Once again I was required to go from the East Side to the West Side in order to perform. It started at church for regular services. Maury put together a big band for worship. It was a blast! I got to play baritone sax. Bari is my favorite instrument to play. :) I just wish I'd gotten pictures, but alas, I failed to ask someone to take them for me. We decided to call ourselves the "One Rehearsal Band" since that's all we had, was one rehearsal the night before. It went well though, and the congregation seemed to enjoy the new experience (I did hear from those who did not, but I assured them, that it was not going to happen again for a long time, because of the work involved in pulling it off. I am grateful though to Maury for setting it up. Many of the musicians were professionals, in other words, they get paid to play. But Maury managed to get them all to volunteer! That's a tremendous feat. Many pros will insist on being paid. Not all of them were believers either, and we were all given a copy of the Jesus Film as a thank you gift, so this was also a great outreach. I've always thought music was a good way to get people into church).
So once worship was over, I didn't even stay for the sermon. I jetted out of there, so I could be in Beaverton by 7:30. I mad it in plenty of time, and even got to sit out in the sun for a little while before going in to play. This time, I played flute with the flute choir I belong to. Then I finaly went home. I didn't get in too late though, and slept well. Good thing, since I had High Ground in the morning.
I picked up Murray, and headed to church. Dave Stout spoke at High Ground. He has issued a challenge to all the men to share Christ with someone this week. Why does God always have to put what you say to the test? (see previous post) It's as if He thinks actions speak louder than words or something. Gee wizz.
So I played again for services, and then went to my friend Andrea's house. We then headed back to church together, and worked the coffee bar for the Columbia Symphony concert. By then, I was exausted. We went back to her house and took her dog for a walk, and then had dinner, and then I went home and crashed. Hard.
It was a good weekend though. Monday I finaly got my room clean!!!!!!!!
Oh, update on the job search. It decided to turn down the job at Starbucks. The more I prayed about, the less peace I had about taking the job. Now I'm pretty well at rest with the decision. I realized that I had not sought God in the beginning of this process, and just went off and did my own thing, expecting God to bless me somewhere along the line. That...uh...doesn't work. So I'm going to stop for now, and just spend the days ahead praying. Relying on His strength has been a weak point in my life the past several months, and that needs to change if I'm ever going to be free from where I am now. I am at peace with the decision to leave where I work. I think God has made that clear. I just need to trust Him with the right place to begin again.
Special Olympics, round one is coming up this Saturday. I'll be in Kelso reffing soccer games. Please pray that I will get enough volunteer refs. I don't have enough right now to cover all the games. I need at least six to eight in order to be effectively covered.
Oh, the quotes I got were from Stu's Four Pillars book, and S.D. Gordon came from "Quiet Talks on Prayer"
On a side note, I decided to start sending back those credit card offers with the FPU letter inside. I'm tired of the recycle bin piling up with them, so I figured why not make them deal with it?