Our wedding went off as perfectly as one could expect (Except that Justin had to run into town to get coffee for Andrea, and we forgot that we were supposed to use the candles, not the candle lighters to light the unity candle. But everything else went just fine ;). Everyone involved did a fabulous job. First thank you's go to Gene Takalo, because he took the pictures you see here. Please don't go copying them. I don't mind advertising for him here cause he did a great job! The pictures are fantastic, and we never even noticed him during the ceremony, even though he got some great shots of it. I highly recommend him.
Thank you to Terry for coordinating the whole thing to perfection. Thank you to Pat for marrying us and doing such an eloquent job. Thanks to Bruce, Susanna, Mary, and Gail, for doing a great job with the music. Jim Chase did a great job with the sound. We got lots of compliments about you all. We also got lots of compliments on the food. Always Perfect Catering did the food, and it was goooood. :P
Thank you Grace, Barbara, Susanna, Laura, Murray, Karen, Dawn, Jimmie and Jamie, and everyone who worked so hard to help set everything up and take everything down.

Thank you to our party of six who have been there for us down the line. Thanks Rob, Kim, Sean, Carol, Murray, and Sarah. You guys have been great friends and brothers and sisters!
Thank you to our parents for being so supportive through the whole thing. We can't even begin to start thanking you for making everything happen the way it did.

A special thanks to our friend Inger, without whom we never would have met, and all this never would have happened. Thanks Inger for not giving up no matter how much we protested!!